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Standard Terminology
Tang Soo Do Name of the art we study
Tang Tang Dynasty (showing Chinese influence of our style)
Do Way
Mi Guk Kwan Brotherhood, Style or Place in America
Mi Beautiful
Guk Country
Kwan Place, Style, or Brotherhood
Kwan Jhang (Nim) Grandmaster, head of Mi Guk Kwan style, (Charles Ferraro)
Sa Bom (Nim) Master Instructor (4th Dan and up)
Kyo Sa (Nim) Instructor (1st Dan through 3rd Dan)
Nim A term of respect similar to "Sir" or "Honorable"
San Beh (Nim) Senior member
Hu Beh Junior member
Dan Degree, holder of @ midnight blue belt
Gup Grade, holder of a color belt under midnight blue belt
Ko Dan Ja Senior Dan holder (4th Dan and up)
You Dan Ja Dan holder (1st Dan through 3rd Dan)
Dan Bun Dan number
You Gup Ja Gup holder
Kwan Won Student member
Cho Bo Ja Beginner
Dojang Training hall (studio)
Do Bok Training suit (uniform)
Dee Belt
Kuk Gi National Flag
Kwan Gi Flag of style or school of Tang Soo Do, i.e.., Mi Guk Kwan Gi
Ki Cho Basic
Dae Ryun Sparring
Soo Gi Hand techniques
Neh Gung Internal power or control in exercise
Weh Gung External power or control in exercise
Shim Gung Mental power or control in exercise
Mahk Kee Block
Ha Dan Low part
Sang Dan High part
Yup Side
O Rin Jok Right side
Tuel Oh Twisting, (reverse)
Ki Hap Yell
Choong Shim Balance
Cap Kwon Backfist
Yuk Soo Do Reverse (inside edge) knife hand
Kwan Soo Spear hand
Jang Kwan Heel of hand
Hyung Form
Ho Sin Sool Self-defense
Jok Gi Foot techniques
Kong Kyuk Attack
Choong Dan Middle part
Ahp Front
Dwi Back
Wen Jok Left side
Cha Gi Kick
Shi Sun Line of sight or focus of eyes
Chung Kwon Forefist
Soo Do Knife hand
Basic Stances (Gi Cho Jaseh)
Choon Bee Jaseh Ready stance
Chun Gul Jaseh Front stance
Hu Gul Jaseh Back stance
Kee Ma Jaseh Horse stance
Sa Ko Rip Jaseh Side stance
Kyo Cha Rip Jaseh Cross-legged stance
*The terms Sa Bom and Kyo Sa are reserved for certified instructors.
Commands for Starting and Closing Class
Cha Ryut Attention
Kuk Gi Bay Ray Bow to flag
Ba Ro Return
An Jo or Chuk Suk Sit
Muk Nyum Meditation
Ba Ro Return
Sa Bom Nim Kay Kyung Ret Bow to Master instructor
Kyo Sa Nim Kay Kyung Ret Bow to (certified) instructor
Sun Beh Nim Kay Kyung Ret Bow to senior member
Sahng Ho Kan E Kyung Ret Bow to partner (each other)
Shim Sa Kwan Nim Ge Kyung Ret Bow to Judge or Examiner
Kwan Jhang Nim Kay Kyung Ret Bow to the Grandmaster
Choong Gan Jawh Intermediate position
Commands In Training
Ku Ryung Count
Ku Ryung Up Shi Without count
Kyung Ret Bow
Shi Jak Begin
Shio Relax (rest)
Dwi Ro Tora Turn to rear
Jin Movement
Wheng Jin Sideways movement
Ku Ryung E Mat Cho So By the count
Cha Ryut Attention
Jhoon Bee Ready
Ba Ro Return
Tora Turn
Bal Cha Gi Jhoon Bee Ready for kick
Chun Jin Forward movement
Hu Jin Backward movement
Yuk Jin Movement while maintaining a reverse relationship between hand and foot
Dasi Again or repeat
Ha Na One
Dool Two
Set Three
Net Four
Da Sot Five
Yuh Sot Six
Il Gop Seven
Yo Dull Eight
Ah Hope Nine
Yohl Ten
Sino Korean
Il First
Ee Second
Sam Third
Sa Fourth
Yuk Sixth
Chil Seventh
Pahl Eighth
Gu Ninth
Ship Tenth
E Ship Twenty
Sam Ship Thirty
Sa Ship Forty
O Ship Fifty
Yuk Ship Sixty
Chil Ship Seventy
Pahl Ship Eighty
Gu Ship Ninety
Baek One hundred