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Master Helen

Master Helen Morahan started martial arts at the age of 12 learning Kempo in Irish at an all Irish girls school in Ireland. Since 1998 Helen has been a member of Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan initially under the direct instruction of KJN Charles Ferraro where she achieved a Kyo Sa title in 2002 teaching in West Haven and Shelton. In 2005 she started training with Master Bill Lear and Master Steve Arbuckle and has since been teaching at Cornerstone School of Karate. Helen has traveled all over the world with the Mi Guk Kwan both competing and representing from Rotterdam to Chile.  becoming a certified Dan Instructor. In 2011 she achieved Master Instructor level and got her name back with the help of her students becoming Master Helen. In her last Competition as a Dan Member Kyo Sa Nim Morahan became Grand Champion in the senior ladies sparring division.

Master Helen is a 5th Dan in Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan